Keuntungan menggunakan add-ons ini adalah kita dapat melihat gambar/foto profile orang lain yang bukan teman kita dengan ukuran yang besar sebab gambar/foto dengan ukuran besar hanya bisa dilihat di halaman profile dan tidak semua mengijinkan orang lain kecuali teman mereka untuk melihat halaman profile mereka.
Berikut diskripsi add-ons yang dijelaskan di web mereka
* Autopoke and EZPoke options
* Try the new Facebook layout
* View all photos of a user
* Hide / Show all applications
* Auto-Refresh Home
* Rollover image for each view in full size
* Hide all applications and related info
* Ability to load all the album photos on a page
* Hundreds of Skins
* Selectable Features – Use only what you want!
* Quick Access icon in the status bar
* Skins for school banners
* Rollover all profile pic thumbnails
* Auto-login and password is stored
* One-click pokes
* 3 Supercharged Album options
* Skin Banner
* Autopoke and EZPoke options
* Try the new Facebook layout
* View all photos of a user
* Hide / Show all applications
* Auto-Refresh Home
* Rollover image for each view in full size
* Hide all applications and related info
* Ability to load all the album photos on a page
* Hundreds of Skins
* Selectable Features – Use only what you want!
* Quick Access icon in the status bar
* Skins for school banners
* Rollover all profile pic thumbnails
* Auto-login and password is stored
* One-click pokes
* 3 Supercharged Album options
* Skin Banner
Silahkan dicoba bro :D
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